For an EPA fireplace/stove with an outside air kit...
When performing a reload on an established bed of hot coals do you need to crack the door to get it going?
I have the air wide open but I still need to keep the door cracked for 10 minutes or so to get the fire going.
Once going everything works beautiful - tremendous heat & secondaries.
My draft appears to be excellent.
Actually I have 2 OAKs connected - I am wondering if one of the OAKs may be plugged.
When performing a reload on an established bed of hot coals do you need to crack the door to get it going?
I have the air wide open but I still need to keep the door cracked for 10 minutes or so to get the fire going.
Once going everything works beautiful - tremendous heat & secondaries.
My draft appears to be excellent.
Actually I have 2 OAKs connected - I am wondering if one of the OAKs may be plugged.