I have had 3 boilers in the last 30 some years. First was an Aqua Therm, great boiler , used a lot of wood but would burn anything you put in it, lasted 15 years so. I then thought I would get smart and get a gasser. I went with a greenwood knockoff . not a bad stove except you couldn't clean or keep it clean, not too bad on wood. I then went with a Empyre Elite real nice stove, easy on wood, except for the fact that it started to leak poor metal and of course they were bankrupt so no rebuild or recourse. I haven't burned in the last two years, pretty nice not cutting wood, feeding the fire, and all the rest. But I'm thinking of going at it again. I have an indoor boiler room in my shed 100 feet from the house. I don,t want too mess with storage if I can help it. It seems like as lot of manufacturers have come and gone. Doesn't seem like much in the MN area. I'm looking for any help or endorsements of reliable boilers. I would really like one that might last. Help Thanks Jim