I have a rtb 50 pellt boiler. wire came off solenoid and found that wire had bare spot on it after i put connector back on 120v. heard a pop on board.
Fuse was fine but this component was damaged and I think it might have been a resistor or varistor. I cant seem to find any info on these boards or someone who has one. If its resistor I am looking for the value if someone could measure it. I have R7 version boards. This might be a surge device as well. its a simple fix for me if i could find out what it is and its value.
Fuse was fine but this component was damaged and I think it might have been a resistor or varistor. I cant seem to find any info on these boards or someone who has one. If its resistor I am looking for the value if someone could measure it. I have R7 version boards. This might be a surge device as well. its a simple fix for me if i could find out what it is and its value.