Back about a year or two I built a DIY solar DHW system based on the build it solar website
It worked pretty well but there were a few things that could be improved.
Added another 4'x8' ( now have 2 panels).
Moved the tanks to the other side of the basement to reduce the long horizontal hose run.
Added high temp plastic drum liners, the drums were rusting and leaking.
Added a stainless steel pump, the cast iron one rusted through.
Increased supply hose size from 1/2" to 3/4" for better flow and drain-back.
It has been working really well, with the nice sunny weather we have been having, the system has been making plenty of hot water, today the tank temp is 155. (The digital temp gauge read in )
It worked pretty well but there were a few things that could be improved.
Added another 4'x8' ( now have 2 panels).
Moved the tanks to the other side of the basement to reduce the long horizontal hose run.
Added high temp plastic drum liners, the drums were rusting and leaking.
Added a stainless steel pump, the cast iron one rusted through.
Increased supply hose size from 1/2" to 3/4" for better flow and drain-back.
It has been working really well, with the nice sunny weather we have been having, the system has been making plenty of hot water, today the tank temp is 155. (The digital temp gauge read in )