Well not a true scrounge on my part as I paid the guy to dump the wood (3+ full cords) from a lot that he was clearing at my place. He nearly got stuck in my backyard with the first load, so I had him dump the other 2 in the front yard. I got almost all of the 2 in the front blocked to 16" and in a pile, only 4-5 12' logs to finish it up. The girlfriend tells me that before she left for work this morning that a guy knocked and said "I see you had a tree taken down and wondering if you would like me to clean up the wood for you" She politely told him it was wood we BOUGHT and there was no need for him to CLEAN it up.
Now I understand it never hurts to ask, but I have all the rounds in a pile, except for the couple lengths I need to cut up, there are 2 large trees in our front yard (red maple and a blue spruce) no stumps anywhere, from where "the trees were taken down", and you can easily see where the guy backed on the lawn and the dents from the logs being dumped. So why would you ask?????? I guess its better than him just loading his truck from the "great score he found on the side of the road" but still????
Now I understand it never hurts to ask, but I have all the rounds in a pile, except for the couple lengths I need to cut up, there are 2 large trees in our front yard (red maple and a blue spruce) no stumps anywhere, from where "the trees were taken down", and you can easily see where the guy backed on the lawn and the dents from the logs being dumped. So why would you ask?????? I guess its better than him just loading his truck from the "great score he found on the side of the road" but still????