First let me say i am sorry if this topic has been already been discussed . My home is a raised ranch. (Dont know the sq ft) but the jotul is on the top floor and is relatively close to the stairs. I would like to move the heated air to the downstairs if possible and wanted opinions on some of my ideas. Right now there is a chandelier hanging down from the ceiling directly over the landing when you walk into the house. This landing is where you can take the stairs to go up, or to go down. I was thinking of putting a ceiling fan in place of the chandelier to force the hot air downwards and then could use a pedestal fan to blow that air down the stairs and into the lower level. I know it wouldnt be too efficient because of the natural effect of the fans cooling the air, but with the furnace thermostat upstairs and not kicking on when the stove has it nice and toasty up there, it makes for some chilly temps in the basement. Now, i am not heating entirely with the little jotul, i am just using it for nights and weekends right now. We based the purchase of the stove for that purpose so i understand that i will never heat the entire house with it and that is fine with us, i am just throwing ideas out there about taking the edge off the lower levels