My wife and I bought and have used our waterford ashley wood stove since '04 and have enjoyed it greatly. However, lately it has been burning poorly, rolling intolerable amounts of smoke out into the room whenever the door is opened. It never used to do this. I suspect that something happened inside the stove, although I can't say for sure what. I seem to remember around last winter, when this started, tending the fire, everything going well when, suddenly, there was this loud 'clang' or bang that sounded like it came from the stove itself. Ever since then, the unit just hasn't functioned well at all. It's at the point now where I either get it fixed or replaced before I lite it off again. My suspicion is that something, baffling or some welded piece perhaps, broke or sprung, and is causing the problem. The way this stove appears to be constucted, with all the baffling and such (in no way is it just a simple metal box) I cannot see anything that appears to be amiss, nor can I tell how to get further into it. Probably mostly welded construction, anyway, would be my guess.
My question for the room would be this...has this or something similar happened to anyone here? I guess it is not out of the realm of possibility for something to spring loose inside a stove, but it does seem odd. Also, it doesn't speak very highly of a stove that costs well over two grand. Of course I am going to 'really' give it look over and determine if there is something that I can see and/or fix. If anyone has had anything similar happen to them, especially if it were this brand of stove, post back. I'd be interested. Surely I can't be the only one, eh?
My question for the room would be this...has this or something similar happened to anyone here? I guess it is not out of the realm of possibility for something to spring loose inside a stove, but it does seem odd. Also, it doesn't speak very highly of a stove that costs well over two grand. Of course I am going to 'really' give it look over and determine if there is something that I can see and/or fix. If anyone has had anything similar happen to them, especially if it were this brand of stove, post back. I'd be interested. Surely I can't be the only one, eh?