Soot eater comes today

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Feeling the Heat
Jan 17, 2012
Plymouth CT
Like the title says.. This should be fun, with mild temps coming this week.

Doesn't come with a vacuum adaptor like the linteater, any mcguyvers out there?

I have a Sootmaster vacuum cleaner, awesome unit. Not sure what a "soot eater" is?

The original LintEater still works better, IMO. It comes w/ an adapter that will fit right onto the bottom of a cleanout T, the vacuum hooks right to that, and the flex rod goes right through a small hole. Turn the vac on, insert the brush and connect the rods, plug adapter onto T, away you muss, no fuss.
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All you fancy panty people. Back in the day I have cleaned stoves pipe with a broomstick and a rag tied to the end. Geeeeez you all are making me feel old. Hey is there one of the iPhone apps for this stove cleaning?

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The original LintEater still works better, IMO. It comes w/ an adapter that will fit right onto the bottom of a cleanout T, the vacuum hooks right to that, and the flex rod goes right through a small hole. Turn the vac on, insert the brush and connect the rods, plug adapter onto T, away you muss, no fuss.

Is that all you have to do to clean out the vent pipe?
Is that all you have to do to clean out the vent pipe?
That's all I do during the heating season....

At the end of the season I take my "nozzle" off and clean it up to look new again... But as far as venting that's all I do to clean it all.
Homemade shop vac adaptor PVC 2" y cleanout fitting and a fernco, works mint
I'll get you pic over next few days, lots of travel this week.

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