anyone know how to change this chainsaw spark arrestor ?
looks like it is just under a vented metal cover on the front of the saw, can be seen
their is a screw driver hole in the cover but when the screw is removed
no further access is provided.
with the screw removed you may be able to work it out with a nail or something thru
some of the venting holes but it looks like there must be an easier more direct way.
couple more torqx below look as though they would release the entire exhaust
havn't pulled the torqx screws yet
really didnt look like they would allow any further access
anyone experienced with this ?
looks like it is just under a vented metal cover on the front of the saw, can be seen
their is a screw driver hole in the cover but when the screw is removed
no further access is provided.
with the screw removed you may be able to work it out with a nail or something thru
some of the venting holes but it looks like there must be an easier more direct way.
couple more torqx below look as though they would release the entire exhaust
havn't pulled the torqx screws yet
really didnt look like they would allow any further access
anyone experienced with this ?