Stove without glass?

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Some of the larger boilers and heaters by amaizing had no viewing glass.
Why? It's useful for monitoring the burn, which should be done done to ensure good and safe performance from the stove.
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Set feed rate, set air into pot and barometric damper. Open the door to check that the fire is burning the fuel. The unit is on or off. Not saying the fire is the most effecient but the burn parameters are all set much like the fuel oil gun.
Why? It's useful for monitoring the burn, which should be done done to ensure good and safe performance from the stove.​
I agree.....It's a rare occasion that I go down stairs and not look into the glass of my pellet stove! When the burnpot is nice and clean and the fire is white, hot and vibrant,'s like a piece of art. Something that I created that I can take pride in. They have a better chance of taking my guns than they do of taking away my glass.....I just love looking at my fire! Its mesmerizing.:oops:
I agree.....It's a rare occasion that I go down stairs and not look into the glass of my pellet stove! When the burnpot is nice and clean and the fire is white, hot and vibrant,'s like a piece of art. Something that I created that I can take pride in. They have a better chance of taking my guns than they do of taking away my glass.....I just love looking at my fire! Its mesmerizing.:oops:
Big O just banned your guns now its time to tax your cheap heat.
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