Am I doing this right my wife lit a fire around 12noon yesterday in our new Fireview when I got home at 6 it was going good dying a little but not bad around 830-9 I loaded it up full engaged the cat and set the air to 1 and went to bed. When I got up at 430 there were coals and two small chunks of logs that hadnt quite burned up all the way. I raked all the coals to the front and loaded it up again it got going pretty good again I engaged the cat and set the air to 1 went to work. My wife called me at 9 and said the temp was dropping and there was pretty much nothing left in the stove I had her reload and set the air at 1 1/2 I just got home and its pretty much burned down to coals again and the temp has dropped to 300* Im going to reload again but what am I doing wrong Ive read about everybody not having to reload again until after 10-12 hrs Im having to do it at 5hrs. Could it be because my wood isnt seasoned or am I doing something else wrong? My wood is a mixture of oak,maple,hickory and some other stuff its all reading on the MM at around 20-35%.