In another thread I read
I don't have storage, I do have 2 Taco 007 F5 IFC circulators, one on each zone which were there with my old wood boiler, pre Solo40. Never had an issue in heating my 2 story house (Solo40 is on ground floor) which is 75% on one zone. I have a Grundfos 58fc 3 speed that pumps into the Solo40. It is set to high. A long story on why it was set that way from the get go.
Will I get any benefit from setting it lower? What should I look for? And of course how much overthinking am I doing !
If I understand the "head", that would be the distance from the pump to the highest point in the system, plus the friction of the pipe. Geeze Louise, am I going to have to count all the bends, pipe diameters, and different radiators and their lenghts and stuff
This is such a excellent forum. Thanks to all.
Finally, the biggest issue I had in getting my tanks up to temp after consuming 3-4 loads of wood turned out to be that my Taco 010 -3 speed pump operating on HIGH was providing too much flow through the boiler. After a month or so of operation I recalculated my gpm/head figures and discovered that I should be running the circ. pump on the low speed setting (4’ of head and 13.6 GPM). Once I made this change I immediately doubled my BTU input into the tank (from approx. 50K BTU/HR to 103K BTU/HR).
I don't have storage, I do have 2 Taco 007 F5 IFC circulators, one on each zone which were there with my old wood boiler, pre Solo40. Never had an issue in heating my 2 story house (Solo40 is on ground floor) which is 75% on one zone. I have a Grundfos 58fc 3 speed that pumps into the Solo40. It is set to high. A long story on why it was set that way from the get go.
Will I get any benefit from setting it lower? What should I look for? And of course how much overthinking am I doing !
If I understand the "head", that would be the distance from the pump to the highest point in the system, plus the friction of the pipe. Geeze Louise, am I going to have to count all the bends, pipe diameters, and different radiators and their lenghts and stuff
This is such a excellent forum. Thanks to all.