We went to the local stove and fireplace dealer this afternoon to get an indoor wood rack, and while there my wife asked about using our VC Encore 2n1 FlexBurn 2040 in Cat mode. They said that the using the thermometer on the griddle plate is not the best location to get an accurate temperature of the stove. They suggested instead of using 500 on the stove top we should go to 700 before trying to get the Cat to light. Homer's has a Ryobi infrared temperature reader, anyone know how accurate it is? If it is, where should I be shooting at to get the correct temperature? My stove pipe is Ventis double wall pipe, so putting a Magnetic thermometer on it will not give me an accurate reading, you can't stick a Cat temperature probe in this model, and he said drilling into the pipe to slip in a thermometer is not the greatest idea. Additionally, he said it's okay to let the stove burn out/down to 250-300 with in Cat mode is okay. Is this accurate information?