Investigating adding a thermocouple & digital readout for internal pipe temps to something.
I know quite a few on here have done this. Or some, at least. What I'm looking at would involve about 20' between the sensor & the readout. Or maybe a couple few feet more. I think you have to be kind of particular about the wire in between? And would prefer being able to have a °F readout. Haven't investigated yet what exactly is there for a power source at the readout, but there is something right there.
If anybody who has been through this could post some links to what you got, that would be great.
I know quite a few on here have done this. Or some, at least. What I'm looking at would involve about 20' between the sensor & the readout. Or maybe a couple few feet more. I think you have to be kind of particular about the wire in between? And would prefer being able to have a °F readout. Haven't investigated yet what exactly is there for a power source at the readout, but there is something right there.
If anybody who has been through this could post some links to what you got, that would be great.