I think it is a good idea, change is often good, but not first generation of a product.
The information it offers, the dialed in control, all in one place. Speaking of generations, I am pretty sure this is a generational thing if you know what I mean...
I'm all for pushing the envelope on products, otherwise things stagnate. In my opinion, a better way to go about it would be to have manual (traditional Harman controls) on the unit, but then add a toggle for use the dials, or with a tablet, and you use their supplied tablet (either mounted or not), or you download an App and use your own tablet which most of us already have anyways...this would be my preferred method. Download an app, sync it to your stove, and away you go.
Also, just looking at their GUI for their controls, not very clean and professionally finished in my opinion. Looks like a bad windows app from 10 years ago.