So because of last year's harsh winter, I went through nearly 3 tons of pellets that season. That's about double the usage of the previous 2 winters which were quite mild. I've since gotten to know the folks at the local TSC and have purchased my pellets there the past 3 years. One of the managers always opens up a few of the pallets (to sell the bags individually) and lets me take a home a few bags to try after I buy. So I purchased my 3 tons up front this past weekend and went home with 4 free bags, each being a different brand. So the past few mornings I tossed in a few cups from each bag - Instant Heat, Pure Fires, Pro Pellets, and AgriRecycle. This morning I burned the last sample cups and Instant Heat won hands down. I burn the pellets at a high setting and time how long it takes the blower fan to cycle on which is an indication of how much heat the pellets put out. I let them burn out and take a close look at the ash, etc. left behind. I know some have had bad experiences with Instant Heat, but in my Fahrenheit furnace they left no ash behind and the blower kicked on within half the time of the other brands. Picked up my first ton this evening and will get my other 2 tons over the upcoming weekend. Pellet prices are up slightly this year (about $0.25/bag) but the local suppliers seem to have a lot in my area.
Hoping this Winter is mild - another winter like last year's and I might look to escape somewhere down south...
Hoping this Winter is mild - another winter like last year's and I might look to escape somewhere down south...
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