Anyone with a probe thermometer in their refractory assembly on a Vermont castings or similar stove... do you use any refractory cement around where the thermometer meets the back of the stove? After moving my thermometer around a bit I noticed it has some wiggle room where it enters the refractory. I used a drill bit by hand when installing it but I think it got jostled a bit which caused it to ream out the hole in the refractory a little. Also when backing the stove back into place after installing the thermometer, it punctured the other side of the refractory hitting the back of the firewall. Not sure if I am going to need to fix this. Taking off the fire wall this weekend and will post pics. I’m not getting the secondary burn temps I should be. Sometimes things seem to be running well and others the cat just doesn’t seem to want to stay ignited no matter what. Thinking of replacing cat already and it’s not even 3 years old.
So I guess the question is how does everyone keep their probe in place. Also is everyone using a 6” probe? Everywhere I looked said to get a 6” probe for the encore 2550 but it seems like a 3” probe would suffice.
So I guess the question is how does everyone keep their probe in place. Also is everyone using a 6” probe? Everywhere I looked said to get a 6” probe for the encore 2550 but it seems like a 3” probe would suffice.