well i sold the US stove 5510 as you guys now know. that is the stove that i had in the barn. i got sick and tired of dealing with it. i never really put out nearly enough heat to bring that old, uninsulated barn up to temp, actually the temperature really it never heated it adaquately at all. it is a 900 sq foot building, it has new metal exterior (i dont know if that adds any insulation value at all maybe as a wind-break), and it will have a new door soon. should i both with a better stove, maybe an englander or should i buy something entirely different, say a cord wood or hand fed coal stove. i dont plan on living out there but i would like heat if i go out and work on my cars or my farmall cub tractor. i have a topedo heater but i really HATE the thing. its really expensive to operate and it STINKS. the smell of burning kero is not really something i relish. at $5 per gallon and say it goes through a gallon an hour it is horribly un-economical to operate.
what is your guys thoughts on heating an out building that is not a living area but still have a desire for reliable, economical to run, and non-stiinky heating?
what is your guys thoughts on heating an out building that is not a living area but still have a desire for reliable, economical to run, and non-stiinky heating?