Last summer I got a Quad Classic Bay installed in my basement TV room and have been enjoying it . I've come to realize that I like to turn the unit on about 20 minutes before I head down to watch TV. I'd like to wire a simple on/off switch that I'd mount upstairs (so I could just push the button from the first floor). I think I could wire this back to the same conductors as the existing pellet thermostat in the basement is wired and thus both could work individually to control the unit. Ideally I'd like the new on/off switch to have a LED indicator to indicate when it is "on" so that I have a visual reminder upstairs that that circuit is closed.
Has anyone else done this? What do I need to be concerned with in looking for a switch? Any ideas who might carry a surface mount switch, in the proper voltage, with an LED on indicator?
Has anyone else done this? What do I need to be concerned with in looking for a switch? Any ideas who might carry a surface mount switch, in the proper voltage, with an LED on indicator?