My stove was a challenge the 2nd. day but I worked through that ( auger issue ) and going pretty well but still can be better. I am running on 5 and using 2 bags a day + a little maybe. It does seem to run the best and cleanest on this high setting. I am getting a small area of soot on the two side windows at the top after running 16-20 hours. it is burning good and throwing a lot of heat but I am wanting to test the level of vacuum in the combustion and have ordered the DWYER 0-1 gauge from Amazon and realized my manual is so poor and vague that it does not even give this info. At least after 5 to 6 trips through the manual I cannot find this info. I do wish I would have bought a more well supported higher quality stove now !! I just want to optimize or find the best setting for burning on high med. and low. The is basiclly no tuning on this stove with feed or fans and only a butterfly restrictor in the fresh air intake tube that can close off 50% at maximum. If nothing else I would like to have some data when it is running the best so I can try to get back there if having problems.
Would some of you pellet stove veterans offer some advice on helping me set it up more optimally.
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Would some of you pellet stove veterans offer some advice on helping me set it up more optimally.
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