Here's a question my wife asked me that stopped me in my tracks, and I'm hoping someone here might have some insight. We are on a well and septic system here, and were discussing water conservation practices for our vegetable garden. I was thinking of burying perforated coffee cans next to each of the tomato plants and filling the cans to water the tomatoes instead of willy-nilly watering the whole garden area. Our well is pretty deep, about 400' and we have never had any water flow problems. Anyway, my wife asked what happens to the excess water we might happen to use in the garden. We agreed that in this case most of that excess water is lost to evaporation. But, that got me thinking, what about our septic system water? That is lots of waste water that is leached out through the leach field and is it lost to us, or does it eventually refill our aquifer? I'm sure that the local geological formations have lots to do with things, but it would sure make me feel better when my teenage sons are taking their "water therapy' sessions in the shower, if I knew that water would eventually find it's way back into our well.