I have a Superjack Made by Yukon and it is a 125,000btu wood furnace. I hooked this unit up and I have 13-3' stainless metal insulated pipe. I have less than 4' of black 8" pipe with 2-elbows that are not at 90 degrees. I have them at a slant to allow more draft? because of the hight of chimney. Well my temp on the 8" black pipe is not very hot and I can place my hand on the pipe while the wood furnace is roaring hot. This stove has a secondary heat exchange which cools down heat to the pipes. This is the link to the stove so you can see what it is? http://www.yukon-eagle.com/FURNACES/SUPERJACK/tabid/59/Default.aspx I have to clean the chimney every month because of the cresote build up. I also have a damper control in the pipe? Can I remove this damper control so the pipe gets hotter. Maybe I should open the damper inside and adjust it so the door is not always closed. Need some help. Thanks Warren