Hey guys, new to this site but have been getting some great info off here for a few months now. We just got a Regency F2400 freestanding stove and so far love it. Still learning the long burns and how to get the most out of the stove. When I get a pretty active a fire going with stove top temps climbing towards 500 I’ll cut the air back maybe a quarter at a time. I can maintain A secondary burn but once I close the air off the secondary only burns for a few more minutes. I’ve been nursing this process for about 45 minutes or so. I’ve checked it later and all the wood is chared and a hot coal bed and some of the bottom splits have a very small flame. Is that how it should look on a closed slow burn? The stove top temp seems to cruise at 300-400 for hours but not a very robust fire at all. I guess I’m burning clean and efficient!?!?