My wife and I bought a house that included this woodstove. I've decided to try using it to help offset the cost of oil, but thought it might be a good idea to find out what I'm doing at some point.
So first of all, can anyone identify this stove just by looking at it? There don't seem to be any markings that I've been able to find, and it doesn't look quite like any stove I've seen in pictures. It seems to be plate steel, has firebrick inside, and has a six inch flue at the top and a variable blower.(broken image removed) .
Second, the door gasket seems to have been held on with rivets, and is mostly gone. How should I go about replacing it? I looked this up, but the instructions I found all referred to their being a kerf around the glass that I could put the gasket in. Should I just force the fiberglass around the rivet heads, and use high temp adhesive?
The stove seems to work pretty well as it is, I've kept an eye on the flue, and the only time there is visible smoke is when I start it up. Other than that it's just clear heat shimmer coming out the top.
So first of all, can anyone identify this stove just by looking at it? There don't seem to be any markings that I've been able to find, and it doesn't look quite like any stove I've seen in pictures. It seems to be plate steel, has firebrick inside, and has a six inch flue at the top and a variable blower.(broken image removed) .
Second, the door gasket seems to have been held on with rivets, and is mostly gone. How should I go about replacing it? I looked this up, but the instructions I found all referred to their being a kerf around the glass that I could put the gasket in. Should I just force the fiberglass around the rivet heads, and use high temp adhesive?
The stove seems to work pretty well as it is, I've kept an eye on the flue, and the only time there is visible smoke is when I start it up. Other than that it's just clear heat shimmer coming out the top.