SAw an article in 'Farm Show" magazine..... searched and found out Northern Tool sell the 4 part I mean panel system
Asked local and only solar dealer an Amish guy, said we could do something for over $5000. I have not yet asked for a list of particulars....
we have some money left.. from sale of our paid off former home. Hubby and I ARE RETIRED SENIOR. HUBBY IS A GENIUS AT DIY. sorry for the cap I AM MOSTLY A PECK TYPIST....
Our " money pit,pergatory(we call this house, house "we own outright is 30 by 40 ..only will do a yard mounted solar. No way will I let new standing seam roof be penetrated...
recently Hubby installed Hardy H4. Nice to be warm for a change//// well anyway wanna be able to do some solar esp for a backup if elec goes out. our well pump is 220...Hardy H4 to my dismay need electical juice to run. LOL
Our little Yamaha genny wont do it.. might run a refig and Hardy pump...some light,etc
thoughts yall ?
Now going ask about Gennys on a new post....
Asked local and only solar dealer an Amish guy, said we could do something for over $5000. I have not yet asked for a list of particulars....
we have some money left.. from sale of our paid off former home. Hubby and I ARE RETIRED SENIOR. HUBBY IS A GENIUS AT DIY. sorry for the cap I AM MOSTLY A PECK TYPIST....
Our " money pit,pergatory(we call this house, house "we own outright is 30 by 40 ..only will do a yard mounted solar. No way will I let new standing seam roof be penetrated...
recently Hubby installed Hardy H4. Nice to be warm for a change//// well anyway wanna be able to do some solar esp for a backup if elec goes out. our well pump is 220...Hardy H4 to my dismay need electical juice to run. LOL
Our little Yamaha genny wont do it.. might run a refig and Hardy pump...some light,etc
thoughts yall ?
Now going ask about Gennys on a new post....