We purchased this house built prior to 1970ish. It has an upstairs and basement fireplace, separate chimney shoots. There are 2 air intakes powered by a switch.
the hole on the left is intake, there's another on the right. When switched on the air is pulled in there and put out in 2 vents, 12 and 25 feet away. The air coming out is not heated. I have had it burning HOT for 8 hours one day and it never heated up. Upon cleaning my fireplace yesterday I noticed on the inside there are 2 .... levers??? What do they do? Do they have anything to do with the air not heating? when the fan in turned on it seems to push air out of the front vents, I'm thinking, and I am no expert on indoor fires, when I have the front hole vents closed, the side levers up on both sides and the fan on, air is pulled from outside the fireplace, circulated through the front vent holes, "heated" then pushed out the vents? Or no.....
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