With the mild weather the boiler use has been intermittent - run for one day, down for three days etc. I am somewhat confused on when to close the little red plastic cap on the air vent on my system. It is at the highest point in the system, supply side, a few feet from the boiler. I am under the impression that this should be closed when the system is not in use - but if there is a constant pressure at room temp (70 degrees, 10 psi) then the float should always be closed and hence no air? Always leave it open?
What happened, twice so far, is that I closed the vent when I shut off the pump when the water temp was around 100 degrees or so. Then came to fire it up a couple of days later (water was cooler - 65 degrees) and opened the vent and had a little hiss, gurgling in the boiler, fired up the pump and no issues. Pressure was still 10 psi. Normal?
I am thinking leave the vent open and with internal pressure there should be no air issues. Thoughts?
What happened, twice so far, is that I closed the vent when I shut off the pump when the water temp was around 100 degrees or so. Then came to fire it up a couple of days later (water was cooler - 65 degrees) and opened the vent and had a little hiss, gurgling in the boiler, fired up the pump and no issues. Pressure was still 10 psi. Normal?
I am thinking leave the vent open and with internal pressure there should be no air issues. Thoughts?