#1 HS Tarn 202 Coal 80,000 BTUs
can be run independent or parallel to your hot water heating system
Plus ½ ton of coal
located in Millis MA. 508 259 8826 price ?
#2 Wood /Coal cast iron Burham with Aquastat draft control pump
2 side arms and grater works well $850
located in Acushnet Ma 508 998 1275
Ads from the wantadvertiser
can be run independent or parallel to your hot water heating system
Plus ½ ton of coal
located in Millis MA. 508 259 8826 price ?
#2 Wood /Coal cast iron Burham with Aquastat draft control pump
2 side arms and grater works well $850
located in Acushnet Ma 508 998 1275
Ads from the wantadvertiser