Looking to add a wood boiler to supplement my Geothermal units currently have one 5 ton and one 3 ton each has it's own 60 Gal buffer tank.
Considering a Econoburn which has 42 gal tank/water jacket my system is closed loop glycol, so I was thinking of running the main pipe and have it connected to both tanks with circulating pump. I have read a lot of opinions about storage and was thinking of adding another 60Gal HWT as a storage so my total would be around 220 Gal would that be enough?also is there a easy way of connecting one of my zones like garage as a dump zone? We live on 320 acres almost half is forest so I have a ton of wood to utilize and figure with the electricity going up high the Geothermal is convenient but not really efficient /money saver as it used to be I would live Geo as a buck up or when on vacation etc.. any thoughts? Also do I need a mixing valve or heat exchanger to tamper the temperature going to the tanks? Main floor is i floor with pex in concrete as is the basement and garage up stairs few radiators and pipes in the joists with those aluminium reflectors
Thanks in advance Paul
Considering a Econoburn which has 42 gal tank/water jacket my system is closed loop glycol, so I was thinking of running the main pipe and have it connected to both tanks with circulating pump. I have read a lot of opinions about storage and was thinking of adding another 60Gal HWT as a storage so my total would be around 220 Gal would that be enough?also is there a easy way of connecting one of my zones like garage as a dump zone? We live on 320 acres almost half is forest so I have a ton of wood to utilize and figure with the electricity going up high the Geothermal is convenient but not really efficient /money saver as it used to be I would live Geo as a buck up or when on vacation etc.. any thoughts? Also do I need a mixing valve or heat exchanger to tamper the temperature going to the tanks? Main floor is i floor with pex in concrete as is the basement and garage up stairs few radiators and pipes in the joists with those aluminium reflectors
Thanks in advance Paul