I have just purchased a house that has a oil furnace as well as an add on wood boiler. Everything was working fine until I had a freeze break out in my shop and then all hell broke loose. I had the pipe repaired. The plumber I used didn't bleed the circuit properly and I believe the wood furnace portion of the circuit was air bound. All the solder was burned out of the joints. I had that repaired. Now when I use the wood boiler I have this terrible bang noise and what I think is kettling. Hoping that it was air I bled it again to no avail. When I turn the circulator off for the wood stove the kettling or whatever the noise is ceases almost immediately. The plumber I am using says it may be a bad circulator or a bad flow check. I'm sure you will need more information or pictures and I can get those rather quickly. I just want to put this to rest as heating with oil was not in my plans. Any help would be wonderful. Thanks I'm advanced.
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