Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.
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Found this scrounge at our local municipal yard waste site wondering what it is? I have only ever burned oak and maple pretty much but have been checking this site out this spring and am finding wood almost everyday to boost my supply for next year.
I know the cross section does resemble black walnut Cincy but pretty sure it's not as bark isn't deep gooved like walnut. And the dark stripe in the center wasn't solid but fluted like an air filer if that makes sense. And it was very lightweight and I think black walnut is a little heavier?
Well ok then sounds like I stand corrected and walnut it is. The bark is what threw me doesn't look like walnut I've seen before and I did score some walnut like I'm used to seeing around the same time. Never had Ash before and thought bark looked like Ash from pics I've seen. Thanks Cincy looks like I learned something today!
It is a pretty good wood for burning right? Would it be ready to burn by Dec. or Jan.? I just split it into med. sized pieces and it is sitting in my wood shed.
It is a pretty good wood for burning right? Would it be ready to burn by Dec. or Jan.? I just split it into med. sized pieces and it is sitting in my wood shed.