Hey all, looking for some advice. I have storage issues. I have a small property with limited storage space. Right now I have my wood stacked on pallets which sit on crushed stone behind my unheated garage. It’s only about 2 feet from the back of the building at the moment. Besides the fact that it’s close to the building it’s actually a nice spot because it’s easily accessible in the winter and it’s mostly covered by a second story deck. The problem is, if I move all the wood to the back of the property into a wood shed or something, I’ll have to constantly clear feet of snow all the way across the yard from the house to the shed and figure out a way to move quantities of wood from the shed to the house, etc. the way we plow the driveway we have to push the snow into the back yard which would end up pushed up to the woodshed. Anyway, there are many reasons that moving the wood away from the house will make my things much more difficult. But I know keeping it close to the house is not good either. Anyway, just looking for a bit of advice. Unfortunately I think the answer will be to find a way to move the wood and deal with it