Well, it's been the year of 're' at the old house...'remodel' the family room, 'rebuild / reface' the fireplace, 'reline, repaint, and regasket' the stove. Finally got everything together last night for the first little 'bake-it-off' fire of the season. Wife about knocked me down with hugs and before I could hardly get the door closed from lighting the fire, she was on the couch with a glass of wine. I ask if she missed the fire and she said, "I've been smelling other wood burning for a month and the house just seems so cold without the fire" (it was 60ºF outside and close to 70ºF inside when I lit the thing)
I think for Christmas this year, I'll just press some oak and hedge sawdust in to little incense cones so she can light one up when she is 'in need'
I think for Christmas this year, I'll just press some oak and hedge sawdust in to little incense cones so she can light one up when she is 'in need'