I'm on my 7th heating season with a Tarm Solo 30 and a 4'x4'x8' unpressurized storage tank. My DHW is heated via a 180' coil in the tank, and I typically burn slightly more than 1 fire a week in the summer. My old oil furnace "listens" to the tank and kicks in when necessary. I also run a dehumidifier in my cellar in the summer, and I have been intrigued by the advances in heat pump technology which seem to give a triple bang for the buck - dehumidifying, heating DHW and cooling the air around them. There seems to be 2 ways I could go with this. One would be to get a unit such as Tom from Maine is selling and run plumbing lines into my tank, but the other would be to simply add a heat pump/water heater unit in line after the DHW line exists my existing storage tank. Other than the additional standby loss of storing DHW all year (minimal in a well insulated unit, I would hope), what would be the downside of this approach?