“It Ain’t Furniture, It’s Heat!”

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  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

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red neck heat.. What Clearances issues, At least its not whorehouse red. It only gets that way when it is running. Definitely more pleasing to the eye, an upgrade to the boxy look

Manufactured in my back yard


  • [Hearth.com] “It Ain’t Furniture, It’s Heat!”
    49 KB · Views: 896
Is the hole above the door where you squirt charcoal lighter fluid, so you can really get'er rippin? Once you bring this baby up to whore house red, that oughta be about 150,000 btu wouldn't ya say?
If that's a 55 gal drum I'd think it would be more like 300k btus if it was allow to really rip. That looks like a barn fire waiting to happen.
I would guess 300K is closer if you get much of the barrel truly glowing.

To be honest stoves like these have allowed a lot of very poor people to stay alive and reasonable comfortable while living in some of the coldest most rugged back country around.

They have also given Darwin a fair shot at improving overall intelligence levels. ;)
Jags said:
Is the hole above the door where you squirt charcoal lighter fluid, so you can really get'er rippin? Once you bring this baby up to whore house red, that oughta be about 150,000 btu wouldn't ya say?
No you plug off the flue pipe, open that plug up, and put the optional wheel kit on the bottom and you have transportation :roll:
GVA said:
Jags said:
Is the hole above the door where you squirt charcoal lighter fluid, so you can really get'er rippin? Once you bring this baby up to whore house red, that oughta be about 150,000 btu wouldn't ya say?
No you plug off the flue pipe, open that plug up, and put the optional wheel kit on the bottom and you have transportation :roll:

Is that what they are talking about when they use big words like "gasification" ;-P
Whew, that would be one mighty hot saddle there.
Jags said:
GVA said:
Jags said:
Is the hole above the door where you squirt charcoal lighter fluid, so you can really get'er rippin? Once you bring this baby up to whore house red, that oughta be about 150,000 btu wouldn't ya say?
No you plug off the flue pipe, open that plug up, and put the optional wheel kit on the bottom and you have transportation :roll:

Is that what they are talking about when they use big words like "gasification" ;-P
Whew, that would be one mighty hot saddle there.
Rollerblades and a tow rope could work :-)
One of the best stoves I ever had in the basement. Ya have to be sure and put sand in the bottom for insulation. Also the cleanest burning stove I have every owned, including the Jotuls and Englander. It burned so hot that the flue tiles in that chimney looked like the day they were installed years later. Not a hint of creosote, in fact no smoke either. Later it was converted to the two barrel model, racks installed in the top barrel and converted to an outdoor meat smoker. Oh those ribs!

And yep, Allstate knew it was there. In fact they don't know it has been replaced a long time ago.

I still have a new barrel stove kit on the shelf out in the garage. Hmmm...
Later it was converted to the two barrel model, racks installed in the top barrel and converted to an outdoor meat smoke. Oh those ribs!

MMMMMMMMM! Smoked critter! What time will supper be ready BB? I make a heck of a good bbq sauce.
I know where a barrell stove is installed in the next town to me in the home's cellar
but it also supplies the hot water. Wrapped around the ourside is copper tubing, that extracts the heat and supplies his hot water.
Someday I must get a picture of that setup to post it
I remmember one of these in a cabin I stayed in years back for a skiing trip. We got that baby cookin til the pipe turned red! You couldn't stand within 10' of it til it cooled down. We didn't know what we were doing and are lucky we lived through it.
Is there any truth to the rumor that VZ is going to introduce a magazine rack option for that thing?
Elk where do I order them thar stoves so I cans rip out me QUAD
GVA said:
Jags said:
GVA said:
Jags said:
Is the hole above the door where you squirt charcoal lighter fluid, so you can really get'er rippin? Once you bring this baby up to whore house red, that oughta be about 150,000 btu wouldn't ya say?
No you plug off the flue pipe, open that plug up, and put the optional wheel kit on the bottom and you have transportation :roll:

Is that what they are talking about when they use big words like "gasification" ;-P
Whew, that would be one mighty hot saddle there.
Rollerblades and a tow rope could work :-)
actually thats where you add the "optional oil drip" for boosted output ;)
That thing might pull 290k max... unless of course you could get your hands on a couple of spray cans of whorehouse red... uh... maroon paint... which is known to coax about 5% additional btus out of a split.

Can I get some plans for that beauty? I've got a bunch of 55 gal drums at work that would probably be great to open up a western mass production facility.

They're made of plastic though... but that really wouldn't be too much less safe than that one could be....

I plan to use one of these for my garage. It will sit right next to my wood storage racks. I'll knock out a window pane and run single wall through, with plywood to fill in the gaps of course. Then I plan to add 3 plastic air injection tubes hooked up to the bottom running back to a furnace blower. The blower will sit next to my gas cans to draw off the vapors so I don't have that gassey smell in the garage. I plan to burn pallets, cardboard, and whatever trash I have for fuel. Why pay for trash pick up when you can just burn it all? Harley, can you hook me up with a couple of those plastic drums? And BB, how much do you want for the kit in your garage? Can you make me a good deal? Thanks.

wrenchmonster said:
I plan to use one of these for my garage. It will sit right next to my wood storage racks. I'll knock out a window pane and run single wall through, with plywood to fill in the gaps of course. Then I plan to add 3 plastic air injection tubes hooked up to the bottom running back to a furnace blower. The blower will sit next to my gas cans to draw off the vapors so I don't have that gassey smell in the garage. I plan to burn pallets, cardboard, and whatever trash I have for fuel. Why pay for trash pick up when you can just burn it all? Harley, can you hook me up with a couple of those plastic drums? And BB, how much do you want for the kit in your garage? Can you make me a good deal? Thanks.

Now thats funny.
I had one of these in a 4 car garage for years.....It worked Great the only problem I had is that when you spit on it the spit would roll off....They are great and the barrels I used lasted for ten years. Great stove.
wrenchmonster said:
The blower will sit next to my gas cans to draw off the vapors so I don't have that gassey smell in the garage.

Well, I would assume the blower next to the gas cans would feed the plastic air intake injection tubes... that way, you would never need kindling to start the thing up... just a quick spark, and off you go!!!! The drums I have may have some chemical residuals in them, but they should burn off during the break in fire.
mtarbert said:
I had one of these in a 4 car garage for years.....It worked Great the only problem I had is that when you spit on it the spit would roll off....They are great and the barrels I used lasted for ten years. Great stove.

Yep, people that have never used one think they are funny. They are serious heaters and, just like with all wood stoves, if you use your head when running them they are as safe as anything out there. Safer in a way because you don't have to run'em like a blast furnace like the EPA stoves. With a barrel stove secondary burn means you touched the barrel.

The same kit fits a 30 gallon barrel and makes a great camp stove.

I wonder what this crowd would think if they ever saw a "tin stove" in use. Every hardware store in the country used to sell them for ten or fifteen bucks. They were made out of the thinnest blued sheet metal ya ever saw. Millions of buildings didn't burn down staying warm with'em. Of course a lot did too.
mtarbert said:
I think mine was made by a company named Stoltz...anyone hear of them ?

Yep. From what I understand they aren't around any more. VZ is the only one making the kits anymore as far as I can tell.
If interested ,there a place down by Monroe Va that fabricates them I think it called Billy jo bubba salvage junk yard

Don't mind the lettering on the drums some are imported .but I can assure Billy and Bubba are residents of USA

for you math majors the drum holds about 7.25 cu ft of space now convert that into BTUs

Any way to block Big nate from seeing this post. I do not want to be responsible for giving him ideas
careful now, i resemble that remark:) we have taken some teasing in the past "redneck stoveworks" and the like, it doesnt happen much these days though, and we have more rednecks now than we had back then, expanding has a way of doing that , laid foundations for a new plant a few months ago, be nice to have room to move the still back indoors. with it out on the porch the hound doesnt have a place to lay around out of the sun
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