My double wall stovepipe goes straight up off of my wood furnace, with a barometric damper just above the T, then a thermometer IN the pipe about 24" above that, triple at the rafters through the roof.
Usually I heat the pipe up around 500 or 600 once a day, or every other day, just to heat it up, keep it cleaner. Last night while I was doing that, the pipe started to crackle (pop, whatever expanding metal sounds like), and the pipe hit 1100. I shut the stove down, but left the barometric damper open (although I got ready to cover it) and it stabilized at 1100, then slowly went back down.
Admittedly my wood lately is less dry, mostly standing elm, so I am sure I am producing more creosote. And I had planned to clean the pipe this week, supposed to be very nice the next 3 days.
Did I have a chimney fire, or is this behavior now and then OK?
Usually I heat the pipe up around 500 or 600 once a day, or every other day, just to heat it up, keep it cleaner. Last night while I was doing that, the pipe started to crackle (pop, whatever expanding metal sounds like), and the pipe hit 1100. I shut the stove down, but left the barometric damper open (although I got ready to cover it) and it stabilized at 1100, then slowly went back down.
Admittedly my wood lately is less dry, mostly standing elm, so I am sure I am producing more creosote. And I had planned to clean the pipe this week, supposed to be very nice the next 3 days.
Did I have a chimney fire, or is this behavior now and then OK?