I've been on the board, in the threads, swimming with dolphins whispering imaginary numbers trying to find a control board for what I posted in the title.
I'm pretty frazzled folks, thought I bought the right board and it turned out to be some kind of Russian phishing scam. Fun.
So I want this to be clear and concise and no deviations or turn into storytime.
I would like help either building a new board or sourcing one. Yes I know they make that fancy new one that you gotta dink around with stuff to make it work for my model. Really don't want to do that. I don't mind repinning connectors, so if you want to post a diagram that would be cool.
But if you want to post a clear concise or even a link to one of the threads that states what to do that by all means to the folks that come looking for answers after me, please do.
I've seen the places all around North America that rebuild them for x amount of money and have great deals. Probably not going to do that.
I like to build things so if I can get help building one of these boards, at least sourcing the items for it that would be great. And if I can do it for cheaper than infinity billion dollars that would be great, I would even put myself out there to build some for other people. ( If it fits in the certain range of the make and model of my stove, why not! )
I'll let you know what happens.
I'm pretty frazzled folks, thought I bought the right board and it turned out to be some kind of Russian phishing scam. Fun.
So I want this to be clear and concise and no deviations or turn into storytime.
I would like help either building a new board or sourcing one. Yes I know they make that fancy new one that you gotta dink around with stuff to make it work for my model. Really don't want to do that. I don't mind repinning connectors, so if you want to post a diagram that would be cool.
But if you want to post a clear concise or even a link to one of the threads that states what to do that by all means to the folks that come looking for answers after me, please do.
I've seen the places all around North America that rebuild them for x amount of money and have great deals. Probably not going to do that.
I like to build things so if I can get help building one of these boards, at least sourcing the items for it that would be great. And if I can do it for cheaper than infinity billion dollars that would be great, I would even put myself out there to build some for other people. ( If it fits in the certain range of the make and model of my stove, why not! )
I'll let you know what happens.