You have all been wonderful with advice. Thank you so much. I would appreciate a little more. Our town inspector says to just install according to directions, and the install would be approved. We do not "need" an installer in this town. However, we have been pricing one out, as neither of us does too well with heights. We are asking friends to recommend people, but so far have had one person state that he was sending us a quote, while the other outright quoted us $2,500 (gasp, choke!) not including any pipe (without even looking out our situation - just to install, because of the heft of the stove.) Both were certified sweeps, recommended by the local fire department. We are installing a Woodstock Keystone. Here are the questions:
Anyone recommend an installer South of Boston whose price is more reasonable? (We were thinking about $1,000 - the local guys who sell stoves charge between $500 and $1300 to install their own stoves, not including pipe/liner.) Anyone have experience with much lower install bids off season (especially South of Boston?) Last, every installer wants to use their own pipe/chimney liner. We would like to use the pipe/liner recommended by Woodstock. In your experience, does this mean a self-install? Maybe I should just take Dramamine before getting on the ladder?
Thank you
Anyone recommend an installer South of Boston whose price is more reasonable? (We were thinking about $1,000 - the local guys who sell stoves charge between $500 and $1300 to install their own stoves, not including pipe/liner.) Anyone have experience with much lower install bids off season (especially South of Boston?) Last, every installer wants to use their own pipe/chimney liner. We would like to use the pipe/liner recommended by Woodstock. In your experience, does this mean a self-install? Maybe I should just take Dramamine before getting on the ladder?
Thank you