The past 3 years I've had a hard time getting ahead on my wood supply. This year I've gained access to a 10 acre woodlot less than a mile from my house that was primarily ash before the EAB worked it over, now there are over 100 standing dead ash trees all free for the taking. The landowner said that I can harvest all the wood I want as long as I will also cut and split a few cords for him each year. I've got half of his next seasons wood already split and loaded on my trailer ready to deliver when his yard drys up. On top of that my uncle inherited 80 acres only about 15 minutes from my place and wants me to cut about 12 trees from where he is planning to build his home. Plus he says every dead, dying, or damaged tree on the property is mine. These two locations will have me busy every weekend from now till who knows when.