For about a month now I've been struggling with an wood burning insert install. Seems like everything I get into is a problem! Anyway my latest issue is my chimney size. Chimney is about 22' high lined with 8x12 clay tiles. The insert can be set up two ways #1 is a direct connect from the stove up to the first tile liner and #2 is a full reline from top to bottom. I want to do the full reline. I have attempted to find similar diameter items like a clorox bottle down the chimney. The clorox bottle made it...a can of paint did not. I'm guessing the outside diameter of most flexible stainless liners is 6 1/4" or so. I was looking to buy a 6" M flex kit...but I cannot get a exact outside diameter. Another question I have is regarding stainless rigid. Is there any chance that a 6" rigid is thinner than a 6" flexible liner? I'm also aware of ovalized liners & know that they will fit. However if possible I would like that to be my last option. If anyone can direct me to some info on flexible & rigid dimensions I would appreciate it.