Things I learned this year...
I still know of no one that cuts and burns more wood than Eric Johnson.
Elkimmeg probably gives away nearly as much wood as he burns.
Those frightening looking bugs with huge pincher heads under the bark are probably not termites like I feared.
Some people actually cut firewood (Elm) to 8" lengths (sorry Warren
Dylan has the capacity to be nice when he really tries.
It's quicker, easier, and more effective to split big rounds directly on the ground than to heft them onto my chopping block.
I enjoy burning fake logs (100% wood type), even though I can't find them in my area.
Wood burning attracts some of the smartest and nicest people I've never met.
No one believes Aquafuel or Magnegas is the Perfect Fuel.
Electricity in Missouri is relatively cheap.
I can turn down the NG furnace and save money using electric space heaters and no one even whines about being cold.
Craig has one of the coolest web sites I've ever found.
Red Oak is also called Piss Oak, and it smells good to me when it's wet. (sorry GotWood and Babalu
Compact Flourescent bulbs are better than they used to be and save a lot of electricity.
My two carbon monoxide detectors peak readings are still zero.
It stays much warmer in my finished basement if I keep the two doors closed to the unfinished basement.
Cedar has less BTU's than I thought. Dogwood and Pine have more BTU's than I thought.
You need more than 1/3 acre to supply 3 cords of wood per year, sustainably.
Nobody agrees on the best way to dry wood the fastest. Contradictions abound.
Everyone agrees that a holz hausen is a cool looking wood pile.
People are more rude when talking about politics than when talking about wood burning.
The Hickory trees in my yard are Mockernut (thanks Dylan).
After Craig's story of his CB gathering, I should probably avoid any potential hearthnet gatherings.
Soapstone stoves may be the coolest of all stoves.
It seems like there are more people with cat stoves this year than last. Maybe the stigma against cats is dying or the novelty of the newer non-cat secondary combustors is wearing off. Mo's motto: If it's not a cat, it's a dog.
The new forum software has more bugs than the old forum software, but users like it better.
Jonas was likely swallowed by a whale with a belly full of pellets.
Robert C. may never report back regarding his compressed log experience.
Mo believes Mike Wilson may have even more experience weaving baskets than Mo does.
Shock treatments seem to improve Mo's writing skills.
Mo is not the only suburban stealth wood burner.
A pickup truck or trailer will likely be required before Mo can tell the WoodMan to take a hike.
Marty still has the coolest (warmest) stove on hearthnet (masonry heater).
Marty's grandma has the coolest sayings.
Burning coal may be possible in Missouri, but it will likley be Bituminous coal.
We're running out of oil faster than Mo originally thought.
No one is more rude, informed, or outspoken than Frank.
Alternative energy is only going to get more popular and more important.
Construction on Mo's bunker is behind schedule.
Solar energy is still economically unfeasible in Missouri.
America effectively has no solution for what is likely a coming energy crisis.
Chicken Little may have been correct.
Burning lesser BTU wood like Elm, Ash, Cherry, Pine, and Sycamore is cool on warm days.
There aren't enough pellets to go around. This could also make compressed logs more expensive and less available.
ACE hardware says they sell compressed logs, but after four months of promises, I learned otherwise.
My $80 green metal Chinese garden cart sucks.
Mo's posts are longer than anyone else's.