Well, my pop says you'll like this little story. I found an add on Craigslist for free firewood, (it was all rounds and log). I was excited because my parents just got me a 8# maul and so far I haven't had much to hit with it. So I tell my husband about it thinking he'd be excited. We just got done paying $115 for a half cord (and I think they cheated me. I am a girl you know, I couldn't possibly be able to measure!) I always thought Free was way better than paying for it, especially since I'm the one swinging the Maul, not him. (He stays away from my tools. My orders. He's just not a fixer.) He looks at me and actually says
"You just want something to hit with that new axe. We don't even know if we'll be living here next year."
My jaw dropped. While it may be true I do want some rounds to smack IT'S FREE and even if we're not here next year the fireplace will be. I don't think he knows exactly what a half cord is. In his mind it's way more than what I stacked.
He also thinks the wood thats been outback for God knows how long and is started to rot is unburnable. His words "We can't burn that! It's ROTTEN!"
Somedays I just walk away shaking my head.
"You just want something to hit with that new axe. We don't even know if we'll be living here next year."
My jaw dropped. While it may be true I do want some rounds to smack IT'S FREE and even if we're not here next year the fireplace will be. I don't think he knows exactly what a half cord is. In his mind it's way more than what I stacked.
He also thinks the wood thats been outback for God knows how long and is started to rot is unburnable. His words "We can't burn that! It's ROTTEN!"
Somedays I just walk away shaking my head.