Finally joined here after years or browsing and researching. I’m looking for help finding the right stove. Last winter I picked up a used us stove (tractor supply) 2000eu stove. It is on the small side and had a hard time burning through the nice and actually heating the space. I’m looking for a larger stove and also I need to address fresh air. I needed to crack a window when using my kitchen exhaust. I’m thinking whether or not the fresh air intake is directly connected to the stove or piped fairly close nets the same results? I have my eye on the Vermont castings vigilant or defiant(used older non cat) because of the automatic damper, but I’m skeptical of cast iron stoves because of cracking and the fact that they are expensive or not repairable. Any stove recommendations or things I should be thinking about while I look around for used stoves? A couple things to consider Is its a new home in Massachusetts the we just’s has an erv that is auto pressure balancing but can’t keep up to exhaust fans. I did a masonry chimney roughly 28’ tall 8” flue through an interior insulated chase in the that the house is a one level (ranch) 1800sqft plus the entire basement (insulated basement) and I cut my wood off my 15 acres and have a splitter and tractor so fuel efficiency isn’t a major factor. Getting a nice consistent/ controllable heat, and long enough burn times to get me through a 10 hour day is my top priority.