So I just got my Enviro M55C set up and burning and I keep coming back to the idea of installing a fresh air intake. Of course the manual strongly suggests installation of one but it offers no instructions or guidelines. The stove is in the basement/1st floor of our raised ranch so I would have to build an intake with a vertical rise of about 4ft and horizontal run of about 2-3ft (3"dia) What is stopping me from moving forward is mainly cosmetic LOL I spent a lot of time and effort making my install look the way I want and having another 3" pipe feel like it might look weird. I plan on using rigid 3" vent pipe and painting it black to match. Has anyone else done this and have pictures to offer? I can't seem to find any pictures online. Also can anyone tell me if 6-8ft of 3in pipe would be too restricting to render the intake ineffective?