I'm looking to replace a cast iron basement stove that I have had for 24 years and have burned for 12. I like the cast iron radiant heat and don't have any clearance issues. It is a Coalbrookdale Much Wenlock. Even though it has been moved several times (by myself and a hand cart up and "gasp" down steps, it as tight as it was on day one. Pic attached.
During my research, I have run across statements that say something along the lines "of course, you will have to rebuild a cast iron stove to replace the stove cement and make it air tight again". Some of these questions centered on quality cast iron stoves like Lopi Leyden, one of the stove I am considering.
So, my question: has anyone actually used a cast iron stove to the point that it "had to be rebuilt" and how much use did it take? "Burning 24/7 for 6 months a year it took 5 years" is the type of feedback I need. I don't want re-quotes of what others have said, I'm looking for first hand experience.
Thanks all, I enjoy this forum!
During my research, I have run across statements that say something along the lines "of course, you will have to rebuild a cast iron stove to replace the stove cement and make it air tight again". Some of these questions centered on quality cast iron stoves like Lopi Leyden, one of the stove I am considering.
So, my question: has anyone actually used a cast iron stove to the point that it "had to be rebuilt" and how much use did it take? "Burning 24/7 for 6 months a year it took 5 years" is the type of feedback I need. I don't want re-quotes of what others have said, I'm looking for first hand experience.
Thanks all, I enjoy this forum!