Was just wondering if any of you might have or seen anything on the burn pot ash dump/shaker being made out of a low grade bendable metal on the Quadrafire Trekker stoves? Mine got so bad after only a few pulls that it wouldnt return to the closed position. It is under warranty yet so Ace Hardware ordered new parts but they are 115 day parts meaning they take that long to get. Was able to get the thing closed enough to use it again but that piece(shaker handle) is so bendable I had to use a pry bar underneath with ash pan out to get it where it needs to be. All that being said the trekker stoves blow all the ash out of the pot and onto the flat part that surrounds the pot. Not much at all goes into ash pan except any clinkers or hard stuff that bonds together when you try to open it. Seems better to just take an old screw driver and scrape dump assembly and clean out with an ash vac.