HI, I am thinking of setting up some kind of summer domestic(solar) water heater.This would be strictly for HW only May thru Aug. My plan is to use three electric water heater tanks in a insulated box ,with a glass lid.my well would push water first thru one lower tank then thru the other slightly higher tanks. I wondered if this would work to supply all of my HW needs for this period.(2 adults 2 toddlers) I have a oil boiler in the basement and don't think it would be good to use this as backup. as the boiler would always want to maintain a high temp. maybe I should use a electric water heater as backup.Last summer I heated my hot water with my switzer(firing every 7 to 10 days). Yes I know this is good , but I want to keep lowering my wood use.I could also use a batch heater to preheat my HW. Thoughts. Thanks Scott