This is our second year with a wood burning furnace, max caddy. Last year was a nightmare and this year isn't any better. I'm 7k in on this system and want to really give it another try before getting rid of it. We are trying to make a lot of changes that I have read here from other people's posts. We are getting a 6 inch liner installed, putting in a barometric damper and I'm going to pick up a moisture meter. We added insulation which I don't think was a big problem before but just to be safe. Now I need to figure what's the best wood to buy. What do I look for? I know it needs to be seasoned properly which I think the wood we used in the past wasn't which is why we are having to load the furnace every 3 hours and going thru about a cord a week. How about kiln? I'm not sure what it is but I know it's about 3 times the cost of regular seasoned wood. We are planning on cutting down some trees for the future but I will need to buy for this year. Also, does the wood we just cut down need to be covered? If someone can help me get educated on wood types and moisture or direct me to a thread that has already answered these questions.