Wondering if anyone else is waiting on parts from Blazeking or know anything (BKVP?) about how long they are backordered on kits and components? Our princess was just installed today but unfortunately the outside air kit was not in yet and it didn't ship with the door. We ordered it a couple months ago but apparently the OAK has been on backorder the whole time and not sure about the door (waiting to hear from our dealer) so we can't fire it up yet (OAK won't be a gating issue to break-in fire but would be nice to get on there). We aren't freezing since we have a Sirocco 30 in the basement but looking at that thing and not being able to fire it is going to get at me...
Wondering if anyone else is waiting on parts from Blazeking or know anything (BKVP?) about how long they are backordered on kits and components? Our princess was just installed today but unfortunately the outside air kit was not in yet and it didn't ship with the door. We ordered it a couple months ago but apparently the OAK has been on backorder the whole time and not sure about the door (waiting to hear from our dealer) so we can't fire it up yet (OAK won't be a gating issue to break-in fire but would be nice to get on there). We aren't freezing since we have a Sirocco 30 in the basement but looking at that thing and not being able to fire it is going to get at me...