There are countless sources to back up that number, if you'd spend half as much time just reading as arguing and typing. Here's the first two that pop up in a three-second Google search:
I've looked through the countless sources and I am unable to fine a single one that can back up the 'fact', zero. They all regurgitate the fact like it is a fact and offer me no way to understand how they arrived at their conclusion. And you also seem to be unable to find one that explains how they determined this seemingly true 85 cu foot number. The UMO document has no foot notes for me to follow, nor does your Oregon one. Sorry, they might be a place to start researching facts, but as a definitive source they are useless.
So neither of your references offer a splinter of information to back up their 'facts'. Your Missouri reference even says "Actual volume of solid wood in a cord varies from 65 cubic feet for small, crooked sticks, increasing with the size and straightness of the sticks up to about 90 cubic feet. Average for the Midwest region is about 80 cubic feet". So again we must look at the information offered, and then ourselves decide if they are plausible, or at least if the they are worth the bits that Google used to index them. Isn't that one of the basic things that about the Internet?
So for starters lets pull out our BS meter and look at the low side of the Missouri document. 65/128 is 50.08. That might describe a matted down brush pile in my observations. Can you show me a stack of firewood that is close to 1/2 air? I don't think this one is worth pursuing. Do you?
Lets think a little more about how a stack of wood would need to appear if it was 85 cu feet of solid wood. It would need to be 1/3 air. Looking at that a bit differently, for every piece of wood there would need to 1/2 of its size in airspace around it. Additionally every piece of wood is next to another piece is next to another is next to another and so on and so forth. So if you look at just one split in a pile, just one that is, you will see around it the 1/2 area of airspace that needs to be for that piece and additionally you will need to see the airspace that every adjacent piece needs. So with the airspace belonging to the adjacent splits it kind of happens that around each piece you will need to see a lot more air than1/2 of each piece. It starts looking like the Lego stack, lots of air around every piece. Wonder why that is? I still don't think you can show me or any other educated reader a stack built like that.
I'll show you another example so maybe you can understand it better. I think we have done this before but without visual aids. Lets look at rounds, the natural state of firewood. Imagine them cut and stacked to look kind of like checkers on every space of a checker board. Kind of like this but it really should be square and tight.
For starters I think you will agree that it is also pretty much of an impossible arrangement for a stack of wood. Can't get wood to stack like that, each piece will settle into the adjacent pieces below. But we will continue so we can calculate the airspace in this hypothetical stack.
Each checker is one unit in diameter. Doesn't matter if it is an inch, a millimeter, a foot or a mile. The area of each checker is .785 of a unit squared. Each checker happens to sit in a square. The area of that square is one square unit. So the ratio off the area of a circle within a square is .785.
So here we have determined that if we stack up rounds (in an impossible fashion) the resultant stack will be .785 wood and 21.5% air. If we want our stack to reach .66% wood and 33% air we will need to add space between every round. Best I can figure to obtain that they can't even be touching each other. For that matter the bottom row might not be on the ground either. Was there a wood stove on Skylab? (imagine getting clocked in the head by that wood stove back on the day Skylab fell from the sky.) Is there one on the ISS? A place with no gravity is about the only place that I think you could make a stack of wood that looks like that. Except just maybe here on earth you could use some rounds with untrimmed branches. Nubs like 1" or so. (Damn I used that word before.) They'll pin up each round apart from the adjacent ones. It might be difficult but with some effort I think it could be done. I personally don't feel like picking up a bunch of Christmas tree carcases to test that theory. But I encourage anybody who is interested to try and the time to do so is coming up.
Yes, my above argument uses perfect shapes, so it isn't 78.5% if we used real rounds on a stacked square. Also bark plating/ridges will add some air. If Beech close to nothing, Black Locust something more. But stacking rounds up square is impossible. So it is plus/minus on those corrections.
So lets again go back to the purported fact that a cord of wood is going to have 33% airspace. I have an easy way to test that. Really easy. Its this statistical analysis crap that I learned back in college a long time ago, About all I remember about that was that if you took enough samples from an unbiased sample base you got very accurate results. The other thing I remember was that 'enough' didn't need to be very many. Once you got into the hundreds you were close to being perfectly accurate if you had an unbiased sample. (I admit here I'm telling you how statistical analysis works without backing it up, it might be bunk.)
So back to figuring your stack's air. Next time you are out measuring your freshly stacked cord of wood leave the tape measure suspended across the face of your stack. Count on even increments if there is wood or open air beneath. Like every inch. Do is diagonal, top to bottom and side to side. Do it a lot of times. Even easier is that you can look at other guys pictures of wood piles on your computer screen and hold a rule to them and start counting. You don't even need to leave your home to get a nationwide or even worldwide sample. Figure out how many times you see air vs. wood/bark and calculate how much air there is.
I think I have shown several ways how the 85/128 per cord is not correct. I'd still like to be shown otherwise but every source I look at doesn't tell me how they figured it out. Every one regurgitates it as fact but they have nothing behind it. I'm stuck with the ways I've tried to figure it out and none of them come close to 85/128. No where near.
I once believed that the 85/128 was true cause I read it on the Internet. But something clued me into the fact that it wasn't possible which made me figure it out what it was for myself. And with all respect, that is why I think you are wrong.